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0MGHI2U 04-26-2006 11:10 PM

here is the pics of my car (totalled)
5 Attachment(s)
here is the sad sad pics.. damn it

i was driving and this mustang cuts me off slamps on his brakes then i hit my brakes car swerved to the other lane spun out and a mini van hits me then car spins around again a durango hits me then i come to a stop. damn it .. and it was raining.. this sucks so bad. so that the person in the mustang takes off and now i'm stuck with the blame.. went to the hospital got 6 stiches on my forehead and messed up my left leg. i am so ticked off.. i don't know what to do. the people in the mini van all went to the hospital i hope there ok i don't want a law suit. does anyone have any advice.. that could help me out. man i hate this ****.. why me? there goes 05 coupe.. and all my mods are messed up now.. damn it

papagz 04-26-2006 11:11 PM

ouch sorry to hear that man. what happened?

truplay8 04-26-2006 11:22 PM

holy sh!t.......are you ok?? Whats the story??

Heikes 04-26-2006 11:24 PM

holy crap

Andy2434 04-26-2006 11:39 PM

WTF? . . . How are you doing? DAMN . . . :(

jclit 04-26-2006 11:42 PM


glad youre doing ok...

Locksmith 04-26-2006 11:44 PM

crazy man, you can't post pix like that and not explain!

akachi 04-26-2006 11:44 PM

are ur rims okay? ill buy it off of u if they aren't hurt

akachi 04-26-2006 11:45 PM

oh yeah.. glad ur still alive <3

03 6MT 04-27-2006 12:11 AM


JDM 350GT 04-27-2006 12:16 AM


Real_G 04-27-2006 12:32 AM

damn, that brought a tear to my eye.. poor IP!!

Oh, glad you are okay too!

Disco_Monkey 04-27-2006 12:44 AM

Woh. Just be glad that you came out of that one.

Side curtain airbags blow?

When I rolled my 350Z over 3x, I blew all of the airbags, crushed the roof in, wheels were all facing different directions. Walked away unscaved.

irshadow 04-27-2006 12:54 AM

sorry to hear that you totaled your car. could i buy your middle cubby hole? hehe...

g35vixen 04-27-2006 02:08 AM

wow im sorry to hear about that. at least your allright .

Strtsk8r321 04-27-2006 02:29 AM

Wow that sux...any news with the insurance yet? Man if I were you I would want to kill the guy in the stang.

Fassster10 04-27-2006 04:37 AM

OUCH....did u walk out of that? how bad were u here if u were hurt at all? Looks like three cars hit you man...hope everything turns out fine

MikeStarrG35 04-27-2006 07:41 AM

Wow, that looks bad. Glad to know your ok. Imagine if someone had been in the passanger seat, I wonder how they would be doing.

tommyz9 04-27-2006 08:55 AM

DAMM..sorry to hear what happened to you. I would cry if this happen to me. I LOVE my G. I hope I don't sound too GAY.

Godfather 04-27-2006 08:59 AM

Sorry bro, Hope everything will be alright. U dont have to worry aobut the lawsuit, well i'm pretty sure u will get one but thats why you have auto insurance.
Dont stress it man, This kind of **** happens to many people. Whats the worse that can happen? Your insurance will go up and thats about it.
Hope you didnt get the ticket tho...

djvic 04-27-2006 09:27 AM

https://g35driver.com/forums/showthread.php?t=94069 Man sorry about your car, and glad you are ok :)

0MGHI2U 04-27-2006 12:40 PM

thanks people.. the cops have some nerves to give me a ticket for Careless driving and Speeding.. how they gonna give me a speeding ticket for speeding when it was raining mad hard that day. no skid marks so they can't prove it and how is it i get slammed with a careless driving ticket. for what.. i was driving like 50 on a 45 and was just cruising just mindin my own buisness when a dumb sh*t mustang decides to get in another lane gets in cuts that guy off then cuts me off and makes me slam my brakes and makes my car spin out to the other lane. makes no sense.. so pissed off.. any one a COP here or know anyone that is a cop so i can fight this BULL SH*T TICKET!

but yea im ok.. the swelling and bruises are healing good..and stitches on my forehead is out..

kidtronix 04-27-2006 02:23 PM

Whats your insurance company's verdict Chris? Are they fixing it or totalling you out?

strife 04-27-2006 02:26 PM

First off, glad to hear youre OK:)

As for fighting the ticket, all you really can do is dispute it in court, tell your side of the story of what happened to a judge, hopefully the cop doesn't show up and you will win your case, but if the cop does show up, then try to have your ticket reduced (not sure of what the fines are in your area) Also you said you were doing 50 in a 45....so you were technically speeding and since you also said it was raining mad, it might of been unsafe to do 50 in those conditions, you have to remember cops know what to say in court, and if you don't know what to say in court, you could end up hanging yourself.
Fighting a ticket helps if you have a clean driving record, for a long period of time.....

Sorry I can't help ya more, but good luck with the ticket and on your new car:cool:

anthony310 04-27-2006 02:31 PM

threads like these are so depressing

luongdmd 04-27-2006 06:42 PM

what's most important is that you are okayl............

MikeyMike 04-27-2006 06:45 PM

Thank God you're ok first of all. Cars can be fixed and replaced, human life can't.

As far as the ticket goes, maybe consult a lawyer...If it were me I'd plead not guilty and go in front of the judge and explain my side of the story. IF you come to court wearing a nice suit, act respectful, and speak in a clear, cool, and calm fashion I am sure the Judge will understand.

Goodluck man

0MGHI2U 04-27-2006 07:21 PM

Wat The Fu*k Got Another Ticket In The Mail For Following To Closely This Is Bull ****.. How The Cops Going To Give Me A Ticket For Speeding With No Proof.. A Ticket For Careless Driving When I Didn't Drive Wrecklessly And Now A Ticket For Fuking Following To Closely..i Told The Cop The Rustang Got In The Other Lane And When He Went In That Lane I Was Half Way In His Lane And Then The Rustang Decided To Come In My Lane Wrecklessly.. Such Crap.. That Is Already A Suspension. Careless Driving Is 3 Points In Pa And 3 Points For Speeding And 2 Points For Following Closely.. Wtf. I Can't Afford To Loose My Lisence... I Mean I Had A Lot Of Tickets A Few Years Back But Not Since Then..

jdm4eva 04-27-2006 10:29 PM

Sorry to hear about the G, but at least your okay dude............


sngpimpin 04-27-2006 11:45 PM

glad ur ok...stupid *** drivers on the road

B GrAzi 04-27-2006 11:47 PM

WOW sad to hear man...but its great to see you are ok!! After all you can replace a car but u cannot replace YOU

R8D G 04-28-2006 12:09 AM

Man, very sorry to see what happened...like everyone else said, be glad you're ok...that was a very bad accident getting hit by more than one car.

As for advice, I would definitely hire a lawyer. Last summer, my 05 G got slammed by a taxi-cab and the cops unfairly gave me the ticket saying I ran a red light. I took it to the lawyer and he was able to get a not-guilty verdict, which helped me a lot with all the insurance bullsh!t. The cops didn't witness the accident so they had no proof...they just took the other drivers word.

Its a little harder in your case since the mustang left the scene. I know some cases here in Florida where that's considered fleeing the scene of an accident even though he never hit anybody or was physically involved in the accident...but he did cause it so he is to blame. But thats usually only when the other driver was killed in the crash. Sorry for rambling, but just trying to give you some ideas.

Anyways, I hope everything works out and you get your justice. Go find a good lawyer. Good luck and keep us posted.

0MGHI2U 04-28-2006 09:21 PM

thanks everyone. i am greatful you all care.. appreciate it alot.. but on a good note.. im gettin a 06 blk on blk coupe wit navi, prem, 6mt.. this comin monday or tuesday^^ but i'm worried about the bull sh*t tickets and wat if the other drivers sue me.. T-T

MikeyMike 04-28-2006 09:22 PM

Why not wait for the next gen G? Or get the next gen sedan in september?

GsUpHoesDown 04-28-2006 09:27 PM

holy cow. just be thankful you're okay. cars can be replaced.

neal540 04-29-2006 04:13 AM

Originally Posted by mx22o
are ur rims okay? ill buy it off of u if they aren't hurt

I'm sure thats his first priority, people are so damn inconsiderate.

I'm glad you are ok, everything will work out bro, have faith.

0MGHI2U 04-29-2006 07:55 PM

i ain't a fan of the 07.. don't know why. plus i work at infiniti in pa... and the sedan comin out then the coupe a while later down the road and the 6mt going to come even later... so no use of waiting.. i like 06

nmanti 05-02-2006 11:25 AM

At the very least a lawyer would probably help with the insurance stuff. They may also be able to help with the speeding and following to close tickets. In PA they can't fine you if youre going <6 over; and its understandable that you would be too close if someone cuts you off. This will cost ALOT in insurance over the years if you do nothing.
Its a hassel, but fight.

Good luck with the '06, just traded up from an '04 recently myself. I'll never have black again though. I am obssesed with having a clean looking car. Unless it was dark out or raining the blk looked dirty. I was washing the black G every other day, and wishing i had time on the other days.
With the IP once a week seems to do alright unless i'm out driving in the rain.

06CoupeDaddy 05-02-2006 02:53 PM

First, like everyone else... I'm glad you're ok. I know that doesn't help with all the other BS you're getting, but that's the most important part.

Now, on the tickets... Based on what you've said, you could very easily gotten FAR worse tickets. The following too close they are going on based on you telling them you had to swerve to miss the Rustang. Speeding is a given when it's raining, and you lose control, and you spin all over the road then in reality, you were speeding. What they normally would call it would be "too fast for conditions". In other words, if you had been poking along at 35 there is a good chance that it all could have been avoided. Not taking the cops side here, but just playing devils advocate. Trust me, the other drivers involved, their insurance companies, and their lawyers perhaps will all play the same tune.

Would it mean that you just ride along in the right lane and get passed by everyone? YEP it would. But in the court's eyes if you'd been doing just that, then you'd not been cut off, you would not have swerved, you certainly wouldn't have lost control, and you more than likely you wouldn't have been hit by anyone. That's the way they are going to look at it.

That being said... get an attorney, get a GOOD ONE!!! People these days are stupid and GREEDY when it comes to accidents. Hell I sat on a jury a while back where a guy was suing this other guy, (trying to take his house away from him) because the first guy pulled up to a stop sign, took a left and came down a hill around a right hand curve in a subdivision and hit the 2nd guys pickup truck THAT WAS PARKED, head on! The trick there was that he hit it head on, as it was parked facing the wrong way on the side of the road. It wasn't raining or dark, in fact it was a blue sky morning and this moron just plows into a parked vehicle and tried to take the guy for everything he was worth!

Good thing the homeowner/parked truck owner took pictures of a vehicle parked exactly where his truck was, from 50' intervals starting at the stop sign, then as soon as he took the left turn, and all the way around the turn and down the hill. Without that evidence... there is no doubt in my mind that this guy would have lost everything to an idiot that was too dumb to watch where he was going. If it'd been night time, or raining I'm not sure the homeowner would have have come out as well either.

It sucks that you ended up getting the short end here, really sucks. Out of everyone there in this accident, (or around it) wasn't there ANYONE that can say they saw the Mustang driving recklessly, or cutting people off? What about a partial plate number or something? Sure you can't come up with a witness that saw this guy? (I'd be asking everyone I know and all their brothers and sisters if perhaps they were on that same road that morning, might just find out someone saw the whole thing, just like you said it happened. ;)

Like I said earlier, you better get an attorney. I'm afraid someone is setting you up for a really bad day, much worse than the day of the wreck. Glad you're on the mend though as that is by far the most important part. New cars are easy, new people are a bit harder to find. Good luck.

g35 chippie 05-02-2006 07:44 PM

Here's the problem, and I'm not saying you weren't cut off....Of all the accidents I have investigated that are similar to yours, someone always says they were cut off and they had to take an evasive action to avoid a collision. That may be true, but you need an independent, unbiased witness, and/or physical evidence. The physical evidence would be difficult if the roadway was wet. Sometimes after the roadway dries out, there are still tire friction marks. I investigated a collision where it was pouring rain at the time of collision. No tire friction marks. A week later, the marks were there (and still are 2 months later). I didn't need them though, I had 3 witnesses that all told me the same story and who was at fault. If I believed everything everyone told me, nobody would ever be at fault and there would be some mystery car out there cutting everyone off. What were the other involved parties statements? Where was the other vehicle when it moved into your lane? If you had not taken evasive action, would the other car have hit you? Did you make an unsafe lane change out of sheer panic? These are all questions that the officer should have (and probably did) asked you. You said you were traveling at 50 MPH in a 45 zone while it was pouring rain. The safe speed for the existing road and weather conditions may have been 35 MPH. Almost every single car collision I have investigated, the driver said it wasn't there fault, it was some else's that cut them off. And mysteriously, there are no witnesses. Very rarely do I have some one say, "I screwed up, I just took the corner too fast." I have only on one occassion placed someone at fault for a collision who didn't even make contact with the other vehicle. I had a good witness, who followed the other party and got a license plate for me. Of course her statement totally contradicted what the witness and the other party said.

Again, I'm not saying you are lying to save your behind. The officer has to take into account the totality of the circumstances (statements and damage to the vehicles) to make a determination. I don't mean to patronize you, but when you drive, always give yourself an out. Put your vehicle in a position relative to other cars on the road so that if you have to make an evassive movement, you can do it safely. People are stupid. They drive like they will never be in an collision. When you drive, keep that in mind. Every other driver out there with you is a big dummy. Give yourself extra space. Make eye contact with other drivers. Lower your speed by 3-5 MPH. If someone wants to drive like an idiot, let them. Don't get involved. When they crash further up the road, point and laugh and let us come pick up the pieces. My advice, and I know it's hard to overcome instinct, if someone lane changes you, let them hit you. Pretty easy to prove who's at fault then.

Without seeing the collision report, it's diffucult to understand everything that went on that day. Best of luck to you.

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