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twinsnails 02-14-2006 04:52 AM

Originally Posted by etang789
Me and my friend have just complete our sound system one for my G35 coupe and one for his Mazda 6s.
Equipment I have:
Stock Head Unit
MB Quart PCE216
JL 300/4
Image Dynamics ID10 V.3
4080 Box

Impression:Very harsh highs, mids are ok, lows isnt great

Equipment My friend has:
Stock Head Unit
Elemental Designs edi6500s
Elemental Designs Nine.4
Elemental Designs 11kv.2
Elemental Designs Sub box

Impression: Very smooth warm High, mids are great, Low is great with the bass boost function on at the amp

Im thinking to change the speakers to edi6500s and is there any way to fix the bass thing?


By the way, your stock Bose head unit has HEAVY equalization curves built into the audio outputs that are designed to make up for the lack of high frequency response of the very inexpensive Bose speakers that come with this system. When you hook a pair of speakers with flat frequency response (ie: PCE 216's which will play all the way to 20K flat without the help of an eq) to a headunit with HEAVY equalization in the upper frequency range, you should end up with a "harsh" sounding system! What is most interesting to me is that the edi6500s sound good in this environment. IMHO, there must be something very wrong with the ED speaker's response (EI: a severe lack of high frequency extension like the original Bose speakers) which makes them sound ok with all that equalization.

My advice is to get another head unit!

My 2 cents.

Virge 02-14-2006 07:52 AM


By the way, your stock Bose head unit has HEAVY equalization curves built into the audio outputs that are designed to make up for the lack of high frequency response of the very inexpensive Bose speakers that come with this system. When you hook a pair of speakers with flat frequency response (ie: PCE 216's which will play all the way to 20K flat without the help of an eq) to a headunit with HEAVY equalization in the upper frequency range, you should end up with a "harsh" sounding system! What is most interesting to me is that the edi6500s sound good in this environment. IMHO, there must be something very wrong with the ED speaker's response (EI: a severe lack of high frequency extension like the original Bose speakers) which makes them sound ok with all that equalization.

My advice is to get another head unit!

My 2 cents.
I thought the Bose had a flat eq curve from the headunit...and the amp was the one with the funky eq curve.

Amthar has his stock HU and doesnt seem to have any problems..

amthar 02-14-2006 09:01 AM

Originally Posted by twinsnails

By the way, your stock Bose head unit has HEAVY equalization curves built into the audio outputs that are designed to make up for the lack of high frequency response of the very inexpensive Bose speakers that come with this system. When you hook a pair of speakers with flat frequency response (ie: PCE 216's which will play all the way to 20K flat without the help of an eq) to a headunit with HEAVY equalization in the upper frequency range, you should end up with a "harsh" sounding system! What is most interesting to me is that the edi6500s sound good in this environment. IMHO, there must be something very wrong with the ED speaker's response (EI: a severe lack of high frequency extension like the original Bose speakers) which makes them sound ok with all that equalization.

My advice is to get another head unit!

My 2 cents.

Good thing it's just 2 cents, because you're wrong. If you read through the hundreds of posts on this forum, it has been documented, tested, retested, implemented and explained that the equalization in the G35 Bose system occurs in the stock Bose amplifier- which is not part of the HU (it is in the trunk, under the left plastic flooring piece). Connecting the stock Clarion-built HU in the premium Bose system to an aftermarket amp which accepts a balanced-differential input will work perfectly, with no equalization.

The HU does have it's shortcomings. It seems to distort if you fade fully to the front and begins to roll off after you start going past 25ish on the volume. But both of these can be non-issues given certain design parameters of a new system.

etang789 02-14-2006 11:36 AM

I have just went on a road trip with my friends car. After listening continuously for 6 hours I have to say the edi6500s imaging and smoothness are very well suited for Canto-pop. Seems like its more depth and warmth to the song played through his system than mine. But my system is better in like Maroon 5 those kinda songs.

machavez702 02-14-2006 02:00 PM

I just had MB Quart Q series compponents installed in my sedan. They sound good too me. I haven't heard the P line series before. I also heard the Q line with out the subs and they could be considered "bright". They sure were loud. It's been my experience that the bass must be matched to the componenets to sound beeter. You have to match the quality, power, and the frequency to match the highs and mids to a particular vehicle's space and speaker location. An EQ doesn't hurt either.

twinsnails 02-15-2006 02:16 AM

Originally Posted by amthar
Good thing it's just 2 cents, because you're wrong. If you read through the hundreds of posts on this forum, it has been documented, tested, retested, implemented and explained that the equalization in the G35 Bose system occurs in the stock Bose amplifier- which is not part of the HU (it is in the trunk, under the left plastic flooring piece). Connecting the stock Clarion-built HU in the premium Bose system to an aftermarket amp which accepts a balanced-differential input will work perfectly, with no equalization.

The HU does have it's shortcomings. It seems to distort if you fade fully to the front and begins to roll off after you start going past 25ish on the volume. But both of these can be non-issues given certain design parameters of a new system.

Amthar, I should have been more clear. I am under the assumption that the audio signal is being tapped from the Bose amp with line level adaptors as most installers would have done unless clear instructions were given prior to the installation, and even then it could be wired wrong.

Etang, are you and your friend tapping signal exactly the same way? did u do the install or did someone else? Are u utilizing the balanced outs or are u using an adaptor?

The other thing that could cause such a huge difference between the two systems is if the polarity of one driver is reversed or worse yet, one side is reversed (out of phase) with the other side.

Answers to these questions will probably clear things up a bit.

realgone 02-15-2006 02:29 AM

Just to add to the thread............
MbQuart QSD's sound amazing!

amthar 02-15-2006 08:55 AM

Originally Posted by twinsnails
I am under the assumption that the audio signal is being tapped from the Bose amp with line level adaptors as most installers would have done unless clear instructions were given prior to the installation, and even then it could be wired wrong.

Most installers are idiots when it comes to doing audio integrations/upgrades on OEM systems. I talked to 4 different local shops and all of them said that upgrading the sound system while leaving the stock "Bose" HU was impossible unless you used a JL CleanSweep. Furthermore there have been many posts on here re: others who have been told the same thing by their local audio shops. I can understand why, they don't want to get involved in the nitty-gritty electronics theory required to do quality OEM integrated upgrades. They'd rather tap after the amp and be done with it, or tell you you need a cleansweep, or tell you that a double din conversion with an HU upgrade is necessary. So saying "as most installers" doesn't mean much around here.

el_duderino 02-15-2006 10:29 AM

Unfortunately, amthar is right.

I have been in the car audio business since 1986 (turned 40 this year - ugh!) and most installers are - well, I'll say ignorami, rather than idiots - but it's true.

The reason the Clean Sweep was revolutionary for the industry is that it is almost installer proof, being self adjusting.

The industry has been paying less and less for installers, at a time when America has been staying away from "blue-collar" professions that were once honorable (carpentry, plumbing, and auto mechanics, all once respected profeessions, have all been having trouble attracting good candidates).

A year ago I started our little shop in Portland with the express purpose of specializing in OEM HU interface, BECAUSE all the shops sucked at it so bad. We have a $1500 handheld audio analyzer, a handheld oscilloscope, an impedance meter, etc.

Now that the CS and the Rockford 360 have dropped to $359 MSP, this isn't a good way to differentiate ourselves any longer - it doesn't look special.

So we're going to have to find a new path, I think...

amthar 02-15-2006 10:45 AM

Car PCs, Car PCs!

shibal_z 02-15-2006 11:49 AM

Originally Posted by etang789
Me and my friend have just complete our sound system one for my G35 coupe and one for his Mazda 6s.
Equipment I have:
Stock Head Unit
MB Quart PCE216
JL 300/4
Image Dynamics ID10 V.3
4080 Box

Impression:Very harsh highs, mids are ok, lows isnt great

Equipment My friend has:
Stock Head Unit
Elemental Designs edi6500s
Elemental Designs Nine.4
Elemental Designs 11kv.2
Elemental Designs Sub box

Impression: Very smooth warm High, mids are great, Low is great with the bass boost function on at the amp

Im thinking to change the speakers to edi6500s and is there any way to fix the bass thing?

I have the QSDs with the stock HU. I'm in agreement that the tweeters are bright, but it should soften out a bit after a few months. Not saying that they won't be bright anymore, they are still bright. Fixes will be to switch out the stock HU with an aftermarket with decent EQ settings to control this or go with an external EQ box to fine tune the settings. I am very happy with my QSDs and have no complaints. I'm aware of my system's shortcomings and am researching on a HU to get. So far, the '06 Alpine lineup seems lacking. I'm leaning towards the new Pioneer lineup for features and pricing, but we'll see when they are available.

I also like Focals. The tweets are mellower and softer and sounded great with ballads and classical music. My friend has a pair of Focal polyglass comps and they sound great. He did try to switch to a CDT set, but it didn't sound as good as the Focals so he switched them back.

If you want more passive control over the tweets, you can biamp the components with the crossovers that come with the QSDs. Not sure about the PCEs. You can set different settings for the tweeter and woofer independantly and tune it that way.

Bottom line is that all components in a system MUST be fine tuned to sound properly in your car. Wether through proper installation, setup, or product, they can all be tuned to sound great. Anybody that says "Drop this in and your golden." is lying to you.

amthar 02-15-2006 11:59 AM

I would have to disagree. 99% of the time EQs simply fix a problem that is being generated elsewhere. I find it odd that you should have to "fix" the brightness of a component set by using an EQ. You should not have purchased a "bright" component set if you don't like that sound... rather than buy one and try and "fix" it with an EQ (be it an EQ in an aftermarket HU or a standalone EQ).

I feel the only adjustments that should be made once you drop in a properly selected and installed comp. set is to the crossover settings. This way you are optimizing each piece in your system, but you aren't "fixing" anything.

opimax 02-15-2006 04:27 PM

Because each model car is very different shaped and contains different interiors I would not expect speakers to sound the same in different cars. I would think an EQ is the easiest fix. Whether it is a parametric or standard w/enough bands, still need some way to make up for items such as more or different angles glass increases brightness, shape of the cavity of the vehicle for bass roll off and any other effect.

Some of these items could be be fixed by different brands . Using MB Q for cars/vans that are heavey w/fabric interiors (remember the "sin bins" from the 70's w/shag carpert everywhere and no windows?) or same vehicle w/leather compared to stiff vinyl interiors?

There is a large amounty of tailoring by Xover points and phasing (mainly tweeters) but where can you try 10 different brands in YOUR car and not pay to install all 10? I don't think El D likes to work for free...:)

Anyway I guess I am saying never say never and what ever works use it


etang789 02-15-2006 04:44 PM

So are you saying that our interiors should use a softer sounding speaker?

opimax 02-15-2006 05:19 PM

My statement was a general about EQs and how cars are different. In our carseven the coupe is different than the sedan.

Largest variable of all is your own ears. theere is no 100% correct answer . I have 1 friend that does know when I change speakers it sounds the same to him, cheaper =better. Myself, I notice, I am not a cheap date unfortuneatly.

The best thing I can think of doing is sittring in as many cars such as ours you can find. Maybe you are in a local club??? and audition their systems. If it sounds good DUPLICATE it all the way to the wire brands. :)

I would think priority to replicate would be
Speakers (including location and cabinets!)
Head Unit
Installation quality

This is open to interpetation :)


el_duderino 02-15-2006 06:32 PM

My rule of thumb is that an EQ is literally the last thing to buy, in that you should focus first on the voicing of the speakers you choose, before trying to force them to sound diffferent.

Most people's use of an EQ is really abuse from a sound quality perspective. That's why I'm picking up Zapco Digital Reference, the DSP chip can be set for the car and then the user can't screw it up :)

P.S. my install manager has a three way Quart set in one car. He got a nice PG trunk mount EQ to try to tame those tweeters, and it still never got to where he liked it fully. He's upgrading to DLS if he keeps that car...

etang789 02-26-2006 09:28 PM

Originally Posted by twinsnails
Amthar, I should have been more clear. I am under the assumption that the audio signal is being tapped from the Bose amp with line level adaptors as most installers would have done unless clear instructions were given prior to the installation, and even then it could be wired wrong.

Etang, are you and your friend tapping signal exactly the same way? did u do the install or did someone else? Are u utilizing the balanced outs or are u using an adaptor?

The other thing that could cause such a huge difference between the two systems is if the polarity of one driver is reversed or worse yet, one side is reversed (out of phase) with the other side.

Answers to these questions will probably clear things up a bit.

To answer your question is I installed both of the system. No LOCs involved all tapped before the bose amp, actually both stock bose amps are ripped out and throw in the trash. And directly connect to the aftermarket amps, suppose u call that balanced out inputs right?

And i have decided to replace my MB quarts with the edi6500s, the reason is that it fits my buget better than DLS UP6. And it is also a safe move since i havent heard the DLS myself.

I will post the results up in a few days about the edi6500s, since they are coming in tomorrow.

etang789 03-01-2006 07:16 PM

I have just finished on the speaker install. First impression the imaging is alot better, midbass is a lot better, and much clearer than the old MB Quart PCE-216.

I am very happy with this upgrade. Even the MSRP of the MB Quart is much more expensive same price on ebay, the Elemental Design is clearly much better for my taste.

It took me 1 night to install these new set of speakers, I took my time cleaning up the messy install i had before, and fix all the rattles too with foam tape.

etang789 03-04-2006 03:38 PM

Now after the edi6500s has broken in, the midbass is a lot stronger, imaging is a lot better. the midbass on the doors are so strong that i might condisder not getting the JL250/1 seems like the 300/4 is just enough power the edi6500s and ID10 V.3 . by no means its cheast pounding bass but seems ok for now. still deciding should i go through all the hassel adding a JL 250/1 and i will lose the fold down seats as well but it looks cool that way haha...

amthar 03-04-2006 04:57 PM

lose, not loose

etang789 03-04-2006 05:35 PM

sorry for the terrible english, i was so sleepy.

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