Burned by a nismo...
And who's fault is it that are cars are stylish and yours isn't? Grow up and stop talking ****. Posers...huh, I'm fairly certain my 3500lb automatic G can outperform your Maxima in every category.
Why because he's a mod of a Maxima Forum?? Im a member there, so what. People aren't as gay there. One of your ******* **** starting recon wanted to talk **** and I returned teh ****y talking. You guys drive Infinities not Ferrari's, get over yourselves.
If you act there like you act here, I'd ban you in an instant. I don't appreciate guys from my board going into other sites and causing ****. Makes the maxima guys look like dirty douches.
No, it wasn't your fault this **** started, but you not helping the situation by acting immature. Worse yet, you generalize that everyone on this form is a douche bag and likes that fugly "poke" wheel setup.
Not my fault you can afford wheels. Enjoy your OEM wheels, OEM body and CAI.
You only got one thing right though, I'm a douche bag...but only to those who have no common sense or lack knowledge.