Front end damage from a raccoon!
Joined: Nov 2004
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From: Boston, MA
Front end damage from a raccoon!
Can you believe it? Fat, little, bastard! I was going 40-45 MPH....I only saw him the second when he was right in front of me....and there was no avoiding him. My windows were down..and the noise I heard when I popped him (not literally) was so loud...and the noise coming from the wheel wells after I hit him....all I could picture was blood, guts & bones...kinda freaked me out. I was alarmed when after pulling off to see how much blood I'd have on my car, there was none. I was even more alarmed when I saw what happened to my front end! I had no idea that I would have even damaged the front end...though I've never had a car with a front end this low to the it kinda makes sense. My entire front 1/2 of my wheel well is gone (as you can see my headlight wires from the wheel well), my bumper is pushed in and torn (from steel frame within the bumper)'s also quite odd to open the hood and look down at your wheels thru the engine bay. Car was dropped off to the shop today. Unfreakingbelievable!
Last edited by jimmyc13; 06-30-2005 at 01:00 PM.
Joined: Nov 2004
Posts: 2,864
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From: Boston, MA