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GOT an SPEEDING ticket..help me what to do~~

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Old 08-02-2004, 03:43 AM
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GOT an SPEEDING ticket..help me what to do~~

Gees, stupid cops. Ok, I live in Seattle, and I went to Bellevue Square mall, and on my way back I was going to take 520 route.. Anyway, a road that connect me to the 520 has speed limit of 35, and it's straight way about a mile. I was going about 42(I think) and I saw the cops on my right, front of some intersection. He was staying in there and hiding I guess.
This cop wasn't seattle cop, it was clyde hill cop(What is this place, I don't even know this town). he was in his ford Expedition and start following me (I was like I didn't speed, no big deal). Then he pulled me over and ask for you know what.. Then, he told me I went 53!
I got 173.00 ticket. I don't want this ticket to go into my record because of the insurance company(I already have 2 speeding ticket). I was pissed so, when I left, I WOT the car front of cop and slowed down when I reached 38(stupid @$$ cop-.-
The Funny thing is that I had my Passport 8500 with me and it didn't even beep once...
Here is some question:
1. Is this cop truly laser gun me? or is he just gussing my speed? (because my detector didn't even beep)
2. If I hire a traffic lawyer and do contested hearing(challenge), can I get this ticket cleared? or not? what are my chances and what would you do if it was you?

PLZ HELP!!! I am desperate T.T

2004 IP everything 5AT/MOMO shift ****/Typhoon/PS2/Clear Corners/Blue Fog Lt/All white blue bulbs inside out except purple light under the door/Z-tube and K&N Drop in (on the way)
Old 08-02-2004, 07:15 AM
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Re: GOT an SPEEDING ticket..help me what to do~~

Stop speeding. You already have 2 tickets so a third one probably won't make too much of a difference on your already skyrocketing premiums. If I were the judge, I wouldn't really care what a lawyer had to say as you continue to break the law. Sorry man, but being honest at this point is probably the best you can hope for.


Old 08-02-2004, 10:42 AM
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Re: GOT an SPEEDING ticket..help me what to do~~

you should hav asked to see the radar, and asked if he actually did lock onto your car. a lot of cops take advantage of the fact that most drivers are unaware what they can do when they get a ticket. if he locked on to your car, then the speed he told you would be correct, and it would also still be on the radar (so you could confirm or negate what he claimed you were going by looking at the radar). if he didn't lock onto your car/ when you ask to see the radar and he says that your speed is no longer on the radar he's pretty much full of **** and you'll be able to get the ticket dismissed relatively easily with a lawyer...should cost about $60 i think.


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Old 08-02-2004, 10:43 AM
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Re: GOT an SPEEDING ticket..help me what to do~~

I feel your pain... I didn't buy a G just to be able to do the speed limit. You should always try to fight the ticket, but do NOT under any circumstances try to blame the cop, the judge will take a cops word over yours every time. It sounds like a stupid ticket, if it is, just tell the truth and the judge will probably agree and at least reduce your points, if he doesn't, saying the cop must have been wrong really isn't going to help your case.

Old 08-02-2004, 04:32 PM
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Re: GOT an SPEEDING ticket..help me what to do~~

I Just got one too. How long did it take for the ticket to get mailed to you?

Old 08-02-2004, 04:46 PM
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Re: GOT an SPEEDING ticket..help me what to do~~

Get a lawyer and plea lesser charge; it'll be cheaper in the long run.

Old 08-02-2004, 05:23 PM
socalg35's Avatar
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Re: GOT an SPEEDING ticket..help me what to do~~

Dumb @$$ college student. Don't even know how fast you were driving. How could the cop have been hiding if you saw him?

Old 08-02-2004, 05:47 PM
nate1749's Avatar
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Re: GOT an SPEEDING ticket..help me what to do~~

Ouch socalg35, be nice now.

Actually, what you may not know is that cops can take your speed limit a few different ways, none of which are 100% accurate (but some are pretty close!). First off, let me state that every state (and county even) handles these things differently so if you want it to get thrown out just get a lawyer. This is not a case where you were going 110+, so the lawyer will easily get this dropped.

On your ticket it should say how he clocked you, what does it say? Also, where he was and where you were and what was surrounding you is extremely important. For instance, let's say there was a large vehicle (i.e. van) behind you traveling 60mph and you were going 40mph. Depending on where he shoots his gun may read that you're going 50mph, it's just splitting the speed between the two vehicles (my friend got one thrown out on this).

Also, I'm not sure about your state, but there are quite a few technicalities that the ticket can get thrown out on. For IL, here are some
Has the cop been trained on radar in the last 6 months
Has the the gun been calibrated in the last 6 months
Has the tools that calibrates the gun been checked for accuracy within the last 6 months
Were you traveling above the average speed tested by road surveys?
Was the average speed road survey tested in the identical spot?

In regards to the last two, the state will generally do random tests on the roads to see what the average speed traveled on that road is. For instance, you won't get a speeding ticket in IL for going 60 on the interstate because the average speed is a little bit higher than that (well you could, but it would easily get thrown out). Furthermore, if the survey was taken in a slightly different location, such as at the top of the hill rather than the bottom (obviously faster at the bottom) or if the survey is just plain outdated.

Also, in some states it's even legal to go above the speed limit on certain roads. In Pennsylvania if the conditions are ok you are allowed to go up to 6mph over the posted speed limit.

So in conclusion, get a lawyer.. =)

If you can't afford one, move your court date up (call the circuit clerk) and hope they don't have the paperwork and/or the cop won't show because it's not his regular day to go and he won't want to =)


Old 08-03-2004, 12:22 AM
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Re: GOT an SPEEDING ticket..help me what to do~~

Socalg35, yes, I am a student, but I don't speed with my G. Last two ticket I had, it happened in 01'Camry(my previous car). I know I was way young(16~18) and I did the speeding on highway. Last two, I went 72 in 60 and got 120dollar. then, second one was 68in 60 mile again in same highway with Camry.. After I got my G at my 20, I don't drive hard as I used to and I just like to cruise and enjoy.
On Friday, the day I got my ticket, I saw the towing bumper on Expedition,. lots of expedition has a towing bumper for accessary.And there are not many expedition police car in Seattle. Don't think that all the college student speed, because Others students and I don't speed alot, for instance, like I showed up there 68 isn't lots of speeding. If I did over 100 or something, that is when you have right to say what you said. I don't mean to argue with you but, I hate streotyping other people(On my way back from School near U-village, I saw a mid 30years old guy with wife on a passanger. They stopped at the signal light because it changed to red. I stopped next to him(we were the front of the line), and He just took off at red light after looking at left and right!! with wife in the car. Should I streotype all the mid 30 guys to be like this? NO!, because not every 30s old guys do that(Hope none does).. NEway, my point is let's not streotype anybody because everyone is different individual)

Anyway, back to subject, this time was on 35miles(my first ticket in that low speed limit). I am pretty sure I didn't go over 50 like the cop said.
The question I wondeirng about now is...
Is it possible, my radar detector(Passport 8500) don't pick up when cop is pointing a laser at me?
Can I ask the cops to show a proof that I speed at the court(like print version of my speed that is taken at the time when I got my ticket?)
Nate, what do you mean by date up? you mean move the date earlier right? Does this work alot? because I think I heard this few time..
I guess I have to find lawyer first. hehe >.<;

2004 IP everything 5AT/MOMO shift ****/Typhoon/PS2/Clear Corners/Blue Fog Lt/All white blue bulbs inside out except purple light under the door/Z-tube and K&N Drop in (on the way)
Old 08-03-2004, 05:27 AM
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Re: GOT a SPEEDING ticket..help me what to do~~

Sorry, get tired of people putting down cops in general whenever they get ticketed. They have jobs to do. Anyways, what's the first thing you posted/wrote "Gees, stupid cops."

I guess you don't like being referred to negatively either huh? "I don't mean to argue with you but, I hate streotyping other people".

And no, he won't have a print-out of your speed. The date generally won't be moved up. UR detector should have picked it up if he was using any kind of speed measuring device. He probably just estimated your speed.

Old 08-03-2004, 01:07 PM
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Re: GOT a SPEEDING ticket..help me what to do~~

cool. Thank for the info but one more question. Can I tell judge that my radar didn't beep and he is just estimating??

2004 IP everything 5AT/MOMO shift ****/Typhoon/PS2/Clear Corners/Blue Fog Lt/All white blue bulbs inside out except purple light under the door/Z-tube and K&N Drop in (on the way)
Old 08-03-2004, 02:17 PM
nate1749's Avatar
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Re: GOT a SPEEDING ticket..help me what to do~~

No I wouldn't go there with the radar thing, just look on your ticket and how does it say he clocked you? He checked a box or wrote something, what does it say?

As for the date, yes you can always move it. Tickets generally either have the court date on them or it will be mailed to you. Either way you are going to call the circuit clerk (or go to it) and tell them that you are going to plead not guilty and need the court day moved up to as soon as possible (tell them a date). They have never refused me nor have I ever heard of them refusing to do this, so assume that your court date will be moved ahead. The reason you want to move the date to as soon as possible is the court is a little slow in getting all the proper paperwork to prosecute you. Therefore, your date is set for 8/31 and you move it to 8/10, the chances of them having your paperwork are a lot less likly. If they don't have your paperwork they will drop the ticket (although they don't have to). The other reason you want to move your date is cops are assigned to go to court on certain days of the month. They hate going just as much as us, so assuming that you move it to a day that he/she is not assigned to go the chances of them coming are a lot less likly. If the cop is not there they will not prosecute you because the cop isn't present to tell his side of the story, therefore, it will be dropped (although they don't have to). Hopefully the prosecuter will call you up and tell you that the cop is sick or something and couldn't make it (whatever) so it's dropped.

So let's say you call to move your date up and they refuse (never heard of this), you will still want to move your date. Chances of the cop showing will be less likly, also, if you go to court on your new date and they have the paperwork and the cop is there you can ask the judge for an extension so that you can obtain legal counsel. Now you have tried your best to get out of the ticket and it still hasn't cost you any legal fees yet. If the judge asks why (most likly he wont, but he may since it's not a jailable offense) tell him that this ticket will severly effect your driving record and that you know you are innocent, but would like to obtain counsel before proceeding. He'll reset the date (he doesn't care), the prosecuter will write the new date down (he doesn't care), and the cop will have to again come to court (he cares). Also, when requesting a new date, keep your planner out or something and always reject the first date that the judge picks (he will pick another day the cop is assigned to come), just request a different day and tell that that's what works for you and come up with some excuse.

If you get this far you now have the option to either obtain legal counsel or just go back to court for the new date by yourself. The judge will doubtfully ask where's your lawyer, but if he does just tell him you didn't want to pay for one and have decided to plead guilty and request for supervision. Unless of course you lucked out and the cop didn't show to this date (that's why you want to move it to a date he's not normally assigned to come), in which case plead not guilty and it will be dropped (although they don't have to).

The reason I put "although they don't have to," in there is because the court (just like you) is allowed 1 extension. So assuming the prosecuter really doesn't like you they can move the date themselves just like you did, but for a speeding ticket I've never seen them waste their time.

I have replied to these speeding ticket questions so many times I think I am going to write a FAQ.

Good luck.


Old 08-04-2004, 12:49 AM
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Re: GOT a SPEEDING ticket..help me what to do~~

You can tell the judge anything. But unless you can show proof that the radar detector is fail proof, is calibrated or some technical papers about your specific detector, he won't let it be admitted.

Old 08-04-2004, 10:07 AM
nate1749's Avatar
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Re: GOT a SPEEDING ticket..help me what to do~~

Let's stay on topic...

socal is right though, I would recommend staying away from the whole "my radar detector didn't go off," argument. It's really not an argument and radar detectors are even illegal in some areas & the court isn't going to look to highly on the fact that you own one (even if they are legal where you live).

As I mentioned in one of my posts if the cop hasn't been trained, gun hasn't been calibrated, etc. etc. within a certain timeframe then it can get thrown out (in IL it's 6 months). You will have to do some research for this one, or hire a lawyer. I assume you won't want to do this research (who does) so the best way to play this is to move your court date around as I suggested above.

However, for the fourth time I will ask the same question. On your speeding ticket, how does it say he got your speed?


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